Monday, December 13, 2010
Late night thoughts.
Is it ok to hide away our emotions, if the trials we face define who we become, should not the emotion we emmulate, through the trials we tackle or get tackled by, make us who we are? Should fear keep us from showing our true selves? If we wore emotions like we wore clothes, would friends, family, or strangers even be a necessary label we place on those we love or do not even know? Emotions cleanse us, free us, torment us, help us, destroy us, change us, and mold us. The best definition I can give is to manipulate an object to show certain traits or structure. Am I letting myself be molded by my emotions or am I pushing my Moldee away? How much emotion is appropriate to influence ones traits? If emotions were clear...I could see others and others could see others with every curved perfection or imperfection, every perfectly placed hair or imperfectly placed hair, every unattractive freckle or adored angel kiss, every discusting mole or attractive beauty mark, every disproportionate nose or pleasantly sized one. Who's to say which is which? Emotions can take worlds apart, but can't the same power this simple word contains create an artistic masterpiece, paintings, photographs, literature, dance, music, theatre, sports, meals, jobs, family, or marriages. Only in a world of dull do we find the emotionless.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Making fun!
I've been working at domino's the last week...It's ok, I miss Papa John's. I make better money at Domino's but I don't think the people change is worth it any longer. Oh well... I have been trying to type the things that come to me. As deep or shallow as they may be...I guess, since I've been watching the short clips on the bottom of the home page at I should be giving thanks daily (One of the clip titles). So from this day forward I'm going to take at least 20 minutes to observe something that I'm thankful for. Today's subject is going to be food. I'm very grateful for food! I've been very blessed to always have something to eat. I've been limited on my food choice, but I've never not had any food. today I woke up and had the best eggs of my life today! And I thank Heavenly Father for his gift of chow! I can't wait for THANKSGIVING! Disclaimer: There is no pertinence to the subject matter and what was written.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Open Eyes!
Last night for FHE, our group went to a care home. I showed up late and tried to sneak in unnoticed. As I walked in one of the ladies across the room saw me and waved, so I waved back, I had never seen this woman in my life, she was very friendly though. All at once the lady next to her turns to her and asks very loudly, "WHO'S THAT?" Everyone was laughing and it was pretty darn funny. Everyone in the group was going around saying the things they were grateful for. And as I thought about each thing they were saying, I noticed A LOT of these women and men couldn't even speak. But that they wanted badly to say something. Each of them that shared, shared there testimonies with us. And I was happy to see that even a disabled older person though there time had passed for sports and running around, or even walking most of them. They still had very powerful and very simple testimonies of the gospel. As we were coming to a close we sang a few closing songs. And the most handicaped man in the room, Brother Innes, started to cry. It was very touching, and I was very glad that I got to see it take place. We then all had Ice cream sandwiches which was funny to watch everyone eat them. These people came into this world as children and now they are more like children than they had been in years. Which makes me not want to be old....Oh well, part of life I suppose.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
The Best of Kendon
I'm calling this post The Best of Kendon, simply because these people and many more that I couldn't find pictures of are accredited to the BEST times in my life, who I am, and how my life is today. I'm very grateful for them and there love and guidance through my life. If you look at this and aren't listed I'm sorry, you obviously didn't do much for me....No just kidding, I probably just didn't find a picture of you. Thank you everyone for everything.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Something cool!

Joke time! There was a man that was on his way home from work. The drive home is a good distance and he was messing with the radio stations to find something decent to pass the time with. When all of a sudden a rabbit ran out in front of him. He sent the rabbit flying as he slammed on his brakes. The man then ran out of his car to go see the rabbit, it wasn't just a rabbit though...It was the Easter Bunny! The man broke down in tears because he had now killed the Easter Bunny! A woman who was driving the opposite direction saw the man sobbing and pulled over to help him. She asked what the matter was and the man replied, "I've killed the Easter Bunny!" She then exclaimed, "I know what to do!" She then runs to the back of her car and pulls out a can and runs over to the dead Easter Bunny and sprays the carcass up and down with a substance in this can. The Easter Bunny then Leaps to his feet hopping 50 yards and then stopping turning around and waving, then another 50 yards, turns around and waves, and keeps going...The man then asks, "What's in that can?" The lady hands him the bottle, and the man reads the label Harespray Revives and gives permanent wave to your hare!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
This week was homecoming! To kick off the week, I worked...I've been doing a lot of that lately. It's good though because I need it...Wednesday was the only day this week that I've ended up not working since Saturday the 30th and Friday and Saturday of this week were the only two days that I didn't have to close at work since last Saturday. So I've been really busy. Tonight/Saturday the 6th was the EAC Homecoming football game! My buddy Mark and I painted our whole bodies purple with gold writting and Gila Monster patterns on our faces. The game was really fun! We barely won 14-13 though.
I've been doing really well with my New Life in November commitment! Holy Crazy, it feels like life is so slow sometimes. My new favorite word is Cerbozzled, it's said in How the Grinch Stole Christmas! I am really tired and just rambling now, so I'm gonna go to bed, good night!
I've been doing really well with my New Life in November commitment! Holy Crazy, it feels like life is so slow sometimes. My new favorite word is Cerbozzled, it's said in How the Grinch Stole Christmas! I am really tired and just rambling now, so I'm gonna go to bed, good night!
This is my latest favorite picture that I took, my friend Jessica let me take pictures of her the other day and it was pretty awesome, I have a lot more.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
A New Life in November!
Holy Moly! So I've been trying to get this posted for about 3 days! Grrrrerererer!
Recap: I went hunting with dad was the last time we talked. So we were up by Ashfork and Seligman, kinda that area. Didn't really see anything, got really close, just couldn't see any. So after two days, I called it a hunt and went home to spend some time at home. I got back, didn't really do much, worked until Fall sing. That was fun, not the best performance I've been in, but they were good. and this Tuesday we had Kirby Heyborne come and talk to us at devotional, that was ok to. I wasn't too impressed. But all of this is just things I've done. Now I'm going to talk about what I'm going to do.
November....I'm starting a new theme, a New Life in November. I'm going to live more closely to my Heavenly Father and be more productive in means of spiritual matters. I'm starting t0 get all of the physical and financial things down, but that is ALWAYS in correlation with the spirit.
So a New Life in November. It's gonna be a challenge, but i'm up for it.
Here's a cool picture I took on my big road trip, I did some editing to it, tell me what you think!

Recap: I went hunting with dad was the last time we talked. So we were up by Ashfork and Seligman, kinda that area. Didn't really see anything, got really close, just couldn't see any. So after two days, I called it a hunt and went home to spend some time at home. I got back, didn't really do much, worked until Fall sing. That was fun, not the best performance I've been in, but they were good. and this Tuesday we had Kirby Heyborne come and talk to us at devotional, that was ok to. I wasn't too impressed. But all of this is just things I've done. Now I'm going to talk about what I'm going to do.
November....I'm starting a new theme, a New Life in November. I'm going to live more closely to my Heavenly Father and be more productive in means of spiritual matters. I'm starting t0 get all of the physical and financial things down, but that is ALWAYS in correlation with the spirit.
So a New Life in November. It's gonna be a challenge, but i'm up for it.
Here's a cool picture I took on my big road trip, I did some editing to it, tell me what you think!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Date night!
Today was really fun! I had acting class today and didn't know that my contentless scene was due today. Luckily I had the lines memorized already, and my partner Gabby and I rocked it! The only constructive critique they gave us was for saying that we weren't prepared, because it literaly did rock! One of the dudes in the class said that he got chills when we hit the climax of our scene.
I got another assignment for a scene from The Glass Menagerie. I'm not entirely exstatic about this one but whatever. We'll see how it goes.
The date... It was a lot of fun! I went with this girl named Katie Maschue from Eager. Totally cute and really fun! We first melted down fondue chocolate then each couple cut certain fruits that we had to cut up. This next part was my idea! One person in the couple stands behind their date and has to be guided by them to cut the fruit, it was really fun and I totally cheated and looked. She thought I was the best blind cutter ever! Then we went to walmart and got pumpkins and carved them! I wish I had pictures! I forgot my camera. But next time I won't.
I leave tomorrow right after work for the valley to then leave with my dad to go hunting. S0 there won't be another post until early next week! Later everyone!
I got another assignment for a scene from The Glass Menagerie. I'm not entirely exstatic about this one but whatever. We'll see how it goes.
The date... It was a lot of fun! I went with this girl named Katie Maschue from Eager. Totally cute and really fun! We first melted down fondue chocolate then each couple cut certain fruits that we had to cut up. This next part was my idea! One person in the couple stands behind their date and has to be guided by them to cut the fruit, it was really fun and I totally cheated and looked. She thought I was the best blind cutter ever! Then we went to walmart and got pumpkins and carved them! I wish I had pictures! I forgot my camera. But next time I won't.
I leave tomorrow right after work for the valley to then leave with my dad to go hunting. S0 there won't be another post until early next week! Later everyone!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Day 2
So I didn't do a whole lot today. In Theatre dance we got assigned partner dances for our final, I'm with my friend Naynay, yes she's black. And we got a song from High School Musical....Eh, I don't know what to think about it yet, I don't know what song yet, I find out on Thursday.
Other exciting news, WE GOT OUR GAS TURNED ON TODAY! And I'm going to take the very first hot shower in my own trailer right now! First I'm going to have some sort of ceremony, light a candle or something. It's gonna be momentus! Well, Love you all, Goodnight!
Other exciting news, WE GOT OUR GAS TURNED ON TODAY! And I'm going to take the very first hot shower in my own trailer right now! First I'm going to have some sort of ceremony, light a candle or something. It's gonna be momentus! Well, Love you all, Goodnight!
Trying something new!
I'm going to try to post something at least once every few days from now on. Kind of like a journal type thing, I hope everyone is excited, and Claudia I might need help being reminded when I haven't posted in a while.
So to catch everyone up.....
I now live in Thatcher, Arizona. I live in a small trailer with two other guys, Stetson and Jared. Stetson doesn't say much but he is really chill and he and I get along great. Jared, is super moody and easy to upset, so I upset him as often as possible...
I have some good friends next door. My dear friends Jaala and Devon! They're awesome! We haven't had our gas turned on in our trailer yet so I've been cooking all of my food next door. They've gotten to be very good friends. I've been on a few dates since I've been here at college, nothing serious, I have one Thursday night with a girl named Katie Muschue. I don't know her very well, but she seemed like a fun person...and cute.
I miss my dogs and family a little bit, but mostly my dogs. I'm going hunting this weekend. I will get to see my dogs, I'm very excited about that. I have 3/4ths of a tank of gas in my car. I work at papa john's as a pizza delivery man, but I think I'm going to switch to domino's. Better pay. I got my first paycheck and spent it all for turning on gas and basic needs. I owe Stetson 5 dollars for internet this month too. Dangit.
I think tonight I'm just greatful. For my house, for school, for work, for my family, for my friends, for the Lord and all his many lessons for me, for the tree that shades my parking spot! Just everything. I can't wait for the date! Goodnight!
So to catch everyone up.....
I now live in Thatcher, Arizona. I live in a small trailer with two other guys, Stetson and Jared. Stetson doesn't say much but he is really chill and he and I get along great. Jared, is super moody and easy to upset, so I upset him as often as possible...
I have some good friends next door. My dear friends Jaala and Devon! They're awesome! We haven't had our gas turned on in our trailer yet so I've been cooking all of my food next door. They've gotten to be very good friends. I've been on a few dates since I've been here at college, nothing serious, I have one Thursday night with a girl named Katie Muschue. I don't know her very well, but she seemed like a fun person...and cute.
I miss my dogs and family a little bit, but mostly my dogs. I'm going hunting this weekend. I will get to see my dogs, I'm very excited about that. I have 3/4ths of a tank of gas in my car. I work at papa john's as a pizza delivery man, but I think I'm going to switch to domino's. Better pay. I got my first paycheck and spent it all for turning on gas and basic needs. I owe Stetson 5 dollars for internet this month too. Dangit.
I think tonight I'm just greatful. For my house, for school, for work, for my family, for my friends, for the Lord and all his many lessons for me, for the tree that shades my parking spot! Just everything. I can't wait for the date! Goodnight!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Pictures for sale!
These are some of the ones I have edited and finished, if anyone wants print outs of any of these photos you can contact me at 623-910-7058 or email me at and give me the letter that is above the picture. I'll do framed pictures, and I'll try to keep costs to a minimum. I'll have another post of more pictures in about 2-3 weeks.
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