Joke time! There was a man that was on his way home from work. The drive home is a good distance and he was messing with the radio stations to find something decent to pass the time with. When all of a sudden a rabbit ran out in front of him. He sent the rabbit flying as he slammed on his brakes. The man then ran out of his car to go see the rabbit, it wasn't just a rabbit though...It was the Easter Bunny! The man broke down in tears because he had now killed the Easter Bunny! A woman who was driving the opposite direction saw the man sobbing and pulled over to help him. She asked what the matter was and the man replied, "I've killed the Easter Bunny!" She then exclaimed, "I know what to do!" She then runs to the back of her car and pulls out a can and runs over to the dead Easter Bunny and sprays the carcass up and down with a substance in this can. The Easter Bunny then Leaps to his feet hopping 50 yards and then stopping turning around and waving, then another 50 yards, turns around and waves, and keeps going...The man then asks, "What's in that can?" The lady hands him the bottle, and the man reads the label Harespray Revives and gives permanent wave to your hare!
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